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Dr Marny Lishman
Psychologist - Keynote Speaker - Writer - Media Commentator 


Noticed that you're dragging yourself to work lately? Feeling cynical all the time? Exhausted throughout the day? Productivity reduced? Ready to quit? Passion you once had all but disappeared?

You might be suffering from burnout.

Written by psychologist and life coach Dr Marny Lishman, Burnout to Brilliant will give you the knowledge, mindset and motivation to create a satisfying, fulfilling and successful life post-burnout.

From understanding your values to learning how to communicate boundaries, this easy-to-read guide will give you greater self-awareness about your mental health, strengthen your ability to manage your stress levels, assist you in designing a healthier personal and professional foundation from which to operate and reignite a passion for your career. 





If you're looking for a speaker to inspire or educate a group or workplace team, then I present on a wide range of topics. I have presented to thousands of individuals over the last 15 years on topics that promote growth and change by helping people become the best they can be. From Keynote Presentations, Lunch & Learns, through to longer and practical workshops, I'm sure there is something to suit your audience.  I'm available for local, national & international presentations, in-person and virtual.







Sample Topics

THRIVE: Nurturing the Person Behind the Professional

BURNOUT TO BRILLIANT: Bouncing Back From Burnout

FLOURISH: Boost your Confidence & Banish Your Inner Critic

PLAY: Benefits of Adult Play & Humour in the Workplace

ADAPT: Why Mindset Matters in the Changing Workplace

THE SLEEP SOLUTION: Sleeping For High Performance

MANAGE YOUR MIND: Re-Wiring Your Thinking Style 

STILLNESS IS THE KEY: Benefits of Presence-Based Living

GRIT MINDSET: The Secret to Success

RE-ENERGISE: Energy Management in your People

WORKPLACE WELLNESS: Actualising ‘Wellness’ in the Modern Workplace




I provide media commentary on a variety of psychological and health issues. I am a columnist for Body + Soul as well as the Channel 9 Resident Expert Psychologist on Nine Live Perth.

I have been quoted in a variety of print media including Marie Claire, Huffington Post, The Juice Daily, Natural Health Magazine, Cleo, International Business News, MindFood, Sydney Morning Herald, 9Coach, Good Health, Herald Sun, Courier Mail, The Project, Today EXTRA, ABC, WW Magazine, GQ Magazine, and many others.


I have also provided regular radio commentary with the crews from Mix 94.5, 6PR, 6iX, ABC, Triple M and Radio 2UE. 

I am passionate about making psychology easy to understand, more accessible and beneficial to the community. I hope to reduce the stigma attached to mental health issues so that everyone seeks help in times of struggle, as well as commits to personal growth starting at any age.

As seen on ...

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I am Channel 9 Perth's Resident Psychologist, and I talk about a variety of interesting topics on a weekly basis. From the nocebo effect, why we procrastinate, why we struggle with perfectionism, anxiety management and pandemic stress; interesting discussions are held weekly on mental health topics. 


MarnyDr Marny Lishman interview Stress & Media
00:00 / 12:32


 I love helping my clients develop the tools they need to cope with all of lifes challenges, and I get great satisfaction from seeing them heal and thrive. If you or your workplace is interested in working with me, please fill out your details below and I can advise you on how we can best work together.

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