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The Art of Christmas Gift-Giving
NOT long to go now until the much anticipated Christmas Day. A special time of giving and receiving, but mostly receiving, if you happen...

STRESSLAXED? When trying to 'switch off' makes your anxiety 'switch on'
Have you ever had a rare moment and thought that a bit of ‘quiet time’ might go down a treat? You run yourself a warm bubble bath, light...

What Is Your Body Whispering To You?
In the last few months, I’ve needed water. And when I say I’ve needed water, I don’t mean that I've been excessively thirsty. I mean I’ve...

Boundaries Aftermath ...Now What?
You've done the work. After a lifetime of people-pleasing, putting other people needs before your own and becoming less of yourself as a...

How To Deal With People You Don't Like At Christmas
Many people get beyond excited during the festive season. The celebrations, the sparkly decorations, time off from work, nostalgic family...

7 Ways To Restart Your Resolutions
It's the end of January and you've all had ample opportunity to give those new years resolutions a good crack. New changes and new habits...

5 Things To Tick Off Before You Get Into A Relationship
If you’re single and on the look out for that special someone, but after many months of searching find yourself scratching your head as...

How To Ask Someone Out
The tale is as old as time. Girl meets boy. Girl likes boy. Girl too nervous to ask boy out, boy never knows that girl was keen on him...

How Can You Tell When It's Over?
There’s nothing quite like the high felt in a new relationship. The initial spark of attraction, the nervous anticipation of a text, the...

Are You Suffering From Dating Fatigue?
Dating 2019-style might sound incredibly easy to the unfamiliar eye. With an abundance of available singles and a plethora of dating...
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